Dresser for Fashion Shows
Fashion Week Events in London
Activities of a Dresser for Fashion Shows
Entering into the fields of fashion may not be as easy as it
seems. There are a lot of hurdles and challenges that one has to face in order
to enter the field. In the field of fashion the level of competition is quite
high, and therefore one has to make sure that he comes with proper quality and
strategy in order to enter the fashion world with due perseverance. If one
wishes to enter the fashion field as a dresser, then he has to make sure that
he has to make sure that he shows his
due credibility to be a part in the famous fashion fests such as the fashion week events in London.
Freelancing is a common trend among the dressers. They go
through the temporary agreements with the companies for their works. Much before
the actual fashion event starts the dressers start making the preparations for
that. In the different cities the events take place and much before that the
preparations of these parades are done.
Issues About The
The other makeups and hairs do on the model is done by the
different designers. After all, that are done, the fashion show dressers have to take care of the dressing part. The
dressing has to be done exactly the way the designer specifies. There is no way
that the dresser may expect that the model will make any help in the process.
Sometimes the fittings can be tight, sometimes the dress stays loose. All of
these depend on the specifications as well as the model size. The matching
outfits are also used so far the shoes and gloves are concerned. For that the
dresser has to be well acquainted with the details of size and shapes of the
models. Accordingly, they make the adjustments.
Problems faced:
There are times when the models face problems in wearing the
clothes of uncomfortable nature. It is the task of the dresser at that
situation top provide the support. He must also take care of the different
aspects of the model’s personality and make the model feel comforted.